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Welcome ! My name is Laurent , remote-first self-educated software developer located in France.

I aim to remain a persistent, active learner. To the best of my expertise , I embrace challenges beyond my current abilities to broaden my knowledge the most. Having extended knowledge in Linux/Unix, Zsh, Nodejs, Golang, gRPC, Go-Ethereum, Solidity, I enjoy writing & developing software for teams and projects dispatched around the globe. I remain enthousiast about distributed systems & decentralization in the way distributed ledger technologies enhance it today, whether from a permissioned or permissionless pov.  

->What I enjoy coding: Link to heading

  • Distributed Systems: Building and maintaining robust, scalable distributed systems.
  • Go-Ethereum & Solidity
  • Customization of the EVM  

-> Go as favorite programming language Link to heading

Golang became my number one choice , even though I have built my entire professional career mainly dealing with Nodejs backend.
Although Go is a general-purpose programming language, it is a savvy fit for writing systems tools, command-line utilities, web services, softwares working over networks, p2p networks and of course blockchain infrastructures.

Go ’s lack of verbosity, clear ideas and principles for the get-go makes it also a good candidate as a first programming language.

With this minimalist blog, I try to share what I learned along the way of my learning journey. The views I express here are not aimed to be of any full expertise on any particular subject but rather a way for me to share the knowledge I have gathered along my coding path. In other words, if I should paraphrase the works of educational theorist Lev Vygotski, “THE BEST WAY TO LEARN YOURSELF IS BY TRYING TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR PEERS WHAT YOU JUST LEARNED.".  

Feel free to connect with me by checking out my socials on the front page.
Thanks for your time visiting.

Certifications : Link to heading


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