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A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a foundational concept and forms the basis for understanding more complex tree-based data structures.
They are widely used for their simplicity and efficiency in operations to insert, delete & search.
In a BST :
-Each node has at most 2 children.
-The left child’ s value being less than its parent’s value.
-The right child’s value being greater than its parents’ value.

However, we can have an issue with the time complexity of the underlying algorithm where the height of the tree can become imbalanced , leading to degraded performance. To tackle this , we can opt to use self-balancing tree structures like B-trees, B+trees, …

The following Go codebase defines a basic structure for a BST :

package main

import (

type Node struct { 
	Key int // Key of the node 
	// In the `Node` struct , `Left *Node` and `Right *Node` are pointer fields . 
	// They hold the memory address of another `Node` struct, allowing to create
	// a linked structure, in our case a BST. 
	Left *Node // Pointer to the left child . 
	Right *Node // Pointer to  the right child .

func (n *Node) Insert (k int) { 
	if n.Key < k { // If current node 's key is less than k 
		if n.Right == nil {  // if right child is nil . 
			n.Right = &Node{Key: k}  // Create a new  right child . 
		} else { 
			n.Right.Insert(k) // Otherwise, insert into the right subtree
	} else if n.Key > k {    // If current node' s key is greater than k
	if n.Left == nil {       // If left child is nil 
		n.Left = &Node{Key:k}  // Create  a new left child .  
	} else { 
		n.Left.Insert(k) // Otherwise , insert in the left subtree . 

// The `Search` function looks for a node with the given key and returns true if found. 
func (n *Node) Search (k int) bool  { 
	if n == nil {  // If the node is nil 
		return false 
	if n.Key == k {  // If the key matches . 
	return true 
} else if n.Key < k {  // If the key is less than k .
	return  n.Right.Search(k)  // Search in the right subtree . 
} else { 
	return n.Left.Search(k) // Search in the left subtree . 

func main() {
	tree := &Node{Key: 100} // Initialize the tree with root key 100 
	tree.Insert(200) // Insert 200 in the tree . 
	tree.Insert(50)  // Insert 50 in the tree . 
	tree.Insert(202) // Insert 202 in the tree .
	tree.Insert(999)  // Insert 8 in the tree . 

	fmt.Println("Is the number '200' in the tree ?" , tree.Search(200))
	fmt.Println("Is the number '50' in the tree ?" , tree.Search(50))
	fmt.Println("Is the number '7' in the tree ?", tree.Search(7)) 


The command ’ go run main.go ’ should output :  
Is the number '200' in the tree ? true
Is the number '50' in the tree ? true
Is the number '7' in the tree ? false